
User Id: 996647237637652490 Owned Items: 7 Join Date: Mon Apr 22 2024 Permission: View Staff Panel, View Invoices, Manage Invoices

Reviews Created

Product: BCSO EUP Package 5/5

“Amazing EUP, great for my server, highly recommended!”justcb14

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Product: Vinewood Police Livery Pack 5/5

“Great for vinewood patrols and for a sub-department of LSPD!”justcb14

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Product: Space Themed Civ EUP 5/5

“Great CIV EUP for something simple!”justcb14

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Product: BCSO Livery Pack 5/5

“AMAZING! Pairs greatly with EUP, looks amazing when being used on my servers patrols!”justcb14

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Product: Detailed SAST SOP 5/5

“Amazing SOP for SAST in my server!”justcb14

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Product: Detailed Interview Guide 5/5

“Has helped me so much in interviewing people, the struggle without this for interviewing was surprising.”justcb14

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