When i tell you this product has absolutely EVERYTHING your department needs i mean it. This document spans a total of 42 pages. The value of your purchase is incredible, show your entire department how professional the Heads team is and purchase the SAST SOP today! You will not find anything like this on the market for this price, pick it up while you can!

By far, this is the new generation of department SOP's.

This document includes many sections, some of which i will list below: (They all include sub-sections)

Section 1: Introduction
1.1 - Mission Statement
1.2 - Core Values
1.3 - Document Statuses

Section 2: Administration
2.1 - Chain of Command
2.2 - Vehicle Guidelines
2.3 - Uniform Guidelines
2.4 - Equipment Guidelines
2.5 - Callsign Guidelines
2.6 - Transfer Requirements & Guidelines
2.7 - Termination/Resign Policy

Section 3: Field Operations
3.1 - Radio Operations
3.2 - Use of Force - Non Lethal
3.3 - Use of Force - Lethal
3.4 - De-escalation Tactics
3.5 - First Aid Procedures
3.6 - Response Protocol
3.7 - Ride Along Protocol
3.8 - Pursuit Protocol
3.9 - Stop Stick Guide
3.10 - Jurisdiction
3.11 - Professional Conduct

Section 4: Investigation
4.1 - Crime Scene Protection & Processing
4.2 - General Incidents

Section 5: Processing
5.1 - Booking & Processing
5.2 - Report Writing

Section 6: Conduct
6.1 - Administrative Action
6.2 - Prohibitions on gifts & gratitude
6.3 - Use of Social Media Outlets
6.4 - News Media Guidelines

WOW! My fingers hurt... See what i mean though? Thats alot of jazz, cop this SOP today!

Detailed SAST SOP — £3

User Reviews

Product: Detailed SAST SOP 5/5

“Amazing SOP for SAST in my server!”justcb14

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Product: Detailed SAST SOP 1/5


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