This item includes an In Depth SOP for your very own Los Santos Police Department. This document looks highly professional while also maintaining a solid price for you, the customer! This is perfect to impress your entire department!
This document contains over 20 pages of SOP goodness! Fully customisable to your liking.
If you have any questions open a ticket in our discord and we'll be happy to answer them!
LSPD Detailed SOP — £2.50
User Reviews

Product: LSPD Detailed SOP 5/5
“Works perfect for what i was needing, its very well put together and fits perfect with my city.” — .breezy190

Product: LSPD Detailed SOP 5/5
“Its legit the docs are good minor tweaks I would like to see it come with a Chain of command ranks already listed but I didn't mind writing it myself and I see the p” — latenzy

Product: LSPD Detailed SOP 5/5
“Had some unsual policys but thats just because every server is diffrent! I do still enjoy it” — chow.ster